Arizona AI Alliance

Shaping and Supporting AI Implementation in K-12 schools.

Who are we?

  • We are a collective of education organizations who are committed to the responsible, ethical, and effective implementation of AI in Arizona’s K-12 schools.

What do we believe?

  • We believe that responsible AI implementation can be an incredible agent of change in Arizona schools and classrooms if led by a true north star for student learning yet guided by the ethics that impact a just society. Our mission is anchored by the GenAI Guidance for Arizona Schools (Arizona Institute for Education and the Economy, 2024).

What do we do?

  • We address LEA needs with respect to responsible AI implementation. Five support structures frame our initial work together:
    • Guidance for education leaders regarding AI strategy, planning, and implementation
    • Information dissemination via an AI Alliance newsletter
    • Collaborative learning using a Community of Practice approach for those leading AI implementation
    • AI training and professional development opportunities for various roles within schools and districts
    • Advocacy for legislative policy that creates the conditions for responsible AI implementation in schools

How do we work together?

  • A few organizations within the Alliance serve as an “action team” who create the opportunities outlined in the five support structures. Other Alliance organizations support the mission by providing thought partnership & resources, and promoting the work through their communication channels.

Want to join the alliance?